Catalog & Book Requirements
Know exactly what you’re here for.
Our catalog gives you a curricular overview of life as a student at SFCM and defines your course load, giving you an idea about what classes you’ll be taking each year. Recital and jury information, ensemble and private lesson requirements, music theory tracks … take a look at the catalog to find out more.
Class Schedules and Descriptions
Book List
Each semester, SFCM prepares a list of textbooks used in courses within the Collegiate Division. We recommend that students review the list and purchase textbooks in time for the start of each semester. Many students use online textbook websites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Alibris.
Spring 2025 Semester
Fall 2024 Semester
Core Curriculum
2024-25 Core Curriculum (Google Doc)
2023-24 Core Curriculum (Google Doc)
2022-23 Core Curriculum (Google Doc)
2021-22 Core Curriculum (Google Doc)
2020-21 Core Curriculum (Google Doc)
2019-20 Core Curriculum (Google Doc)
Academic Regulations
2024-25 Academic Regulations (Google Doc)
2023-24 Academic Regulations (Google Doc)
2022-23 Academic Regulations (Google Doc)
2021-22 Academic Regulations (Google Doc)
2020-21 Academic Regulations (Google Doc)
2019-20 Academic Regulations (Google Doc)