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Pre-College Composition Fundamentals Recital
Saturday, February 8 2025, 3:30 PM at

Pre-College Composition Fundamentals Recital

Recital Pre-College
Saturday, February 8 2025, 3:30 PM

No tickets needed for this event. 


Léo Icikovics: Misty Night
Matthew Feiner, violin
Anya Zhang, cello
Pear Canada, piano

Description: This piece is about all the different weathers that could come up and all of the emotions you could encounter during winter times.

Claire Shih: Warm Winters    
Waverly Meyer, piano

Description: Feeling the warmness of the winter while sitting next to ice eating icicles.

Vanessa Lo: Blizzard
Evelyn Huang, piano

Ryan Lee: Ice Skating
Nikolai Bryant, piano

Description: This piece paints a picture of ice skating in the winter snow.

Chloe So: Winter Ambience
Felix Colaco, piano

Description: This piece is situated in a warm home on a snowy day. It begins with slow block chords and progresses into a smooth, jazzy melody. The overall piece is very peaceful and calm.

Raymond Jiang: Winter Ballad
Léo Icikovics, piano

Description: Winter Ballad is a piece about snowflakes falling and people celebrating holiday traditions.

Fae Lacson: Winter Quietude
Wawo Takahashi, piano

Wawo Takahashi: Holiday Joy
Felix Colaco and Fae Lacson, piano

Description: I came up with the falling bass line first which eventually supported the melody and I added an intro and a middle section. I wanted the intro to kind of set up the stage for what’s going to come and transition to the melody. After the melody, I realized that maybe the theme might get repetitive and added the middle section which hints towards the intro. Then, there are two key changes and the finale which is the melody but in a higher key.

Felix Colaco: Skiing
Wawo Takahashi and Chloe So, piano

Description: My piece depicts two days. The first day a blizzard hits, as that part is in minor and the hand on top is playing broken chord sixteenth notes. The second day is when they go skiing. There are lots of arpeggios and scales between the four hands. It also changes to D Major. 

Mia Lu: Deadline
Julien Zhou, soprano
Max Xu, piano

Description: Deadline is a song consisting of two main parts. A fast and energized part and a more toned down part. The first part symbolizes the stress of trying to hit a deadline, and the second part shows the stress disappearing as you’re almost finished.

Waverly Meyer: Love for the Lonely
Waverly Meyer, voice
Anya Zhang, cello
Pear Canada, piano

Description: Love for the Lonely is a melancholy song about two lonely people unexpectedly finding each other and falling in love during the holidays. With music inspired by falling snow, the song paints a vivid picture and takes the listener on a journey from lonesomeness to true love.

Standing still
I can feel the bitter chill Looks warm inside Hope they know I tried 
People pray
Others sing their cares away. Don't know why... 
Look like a vision of everything lovely True
‘Tis the season of love for the lonely 
Be still my heart
Between the beats I hear you start Say my name
In the frozen rain 
Glowing in the winter haze Far away, but 
Came out of nowhere and somehow you found me True
‘Tis the season of love for the lonely 
Take my hand
Hold me close and understand
Nobody else in this world knows we’re here 
Just you and me while the stars spins round us True
‘Tis the season of love for the lonely
‘Tis the season of love for the lonely

Kent Rosenfeld: Blue Ice
Claire Shih, oboe
Raymond Jiang, piano

Evelyn Huang: Wandering Albatross
Pear Canada, violin
Vanessa Lo, piano

Description: Wandering Albatross is a piece I wrote about an albatross making a yearly winter migration around Antarctica. Albatrosses start from Southern Australia and fly south towards Antarctica then circles Antarctica. After going around Antarctica, they will head back to Southern Australia and look for their lifelong partners to breed and lay an egg. During the migration, albatrosses eat rich fish along the journey. They only occasionally land on water to rest, as powerful storms make water dangerous to land on. Their 11-foot wingspan helps them glide for hours at a time without flapping their wings once, and sometimes albatrosses will sleep on the wings while still in the air! This piece is a story about one particular albatross flying its usual migration through storms and crashing waves. The piece ends when the albatross returns to Australia, leaving behind glimmering ice on the sea.

Max Xu: Conversation
Anya Zhang, cello
Thomas Jiang, piano

Description: There are about 3 voices for most of the piece talking here. They sometimes take turns talking, but sometimes they are all blended together in a mess. The ending gets louder and louder and when the piece stops it’s supposed to be the people leaving. I used counterpoint to represent the people talking together.

Jerry Song: Apathetic Nihilism
Pear Canada, violin
Anya Zhang, cello
Jerry Song, piano

Description: Winter drapes the world in its silent indifference, a vast, cold expanse where even starlight is too faint to reach the earth. And so life slumbers, forgotten, devoid of warmth. The cold cuts deep, a reminder that through the passage of time, nothing, not even winter, has meaning.

Daniel Su: Christmas Under the Mistletoe
Ryan Lee, glockenspiel
Claire Shih, piano

Description: Christmas Under the Mistletoe contrasts the bright and cheerful atmosphere of Christmas time with your family while dark and stormy weather rages outside.

Julien Zhou: Twinkling Stars at Night
Ryan Lee, glockenspiel
Fae Lacson, piano

Description: My piece Twinkling Stars at Night is a variation of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." In order to make this piece's "stars" sound light and twinkling, I also added a glockenspiel to the piece. I really enjoyed making this piece.

Nikolai Bryant: Ice
Pear Canada, violin
Léo Icikovics, piano
Waverly Meyer and Ryan Lee, percussion

Description: This piece is about ice melting.

Anya Zhang: Sunny Winter Day
Anya Zhang, cello
Evelyn Huang, piano
Ryan Lee, glockenspiel

Description: It’s about snow falling and hanging out with friends during the winter. The piece is supposed to be wintery but warm and sunny too!

Pear Canada: New Year’s in St. James Park
Ken Rosenfeld, bassoon
Claire Shih, piano
Ryan Lee, glockenspiel
Waverly Meyer, cymbals

Description: In the beginning of the piece, I imagine fog and rain, but the cymbals crashes help break the weather to bring in the New Year.

Thomas Jiang: Grotta Island 
Nikolai Bryant, alto saxophone
Kent Rosenfeld, bassoon
Pear Canada, violin
Ryan Lee, percussion

Description: This is a swing-jazz piece that projects the winter vibes in colder areas like Reykjavik where the title comes from – the lighthouse that lay on the peninsula right next to the capital city to the west. I decided to use a few melodic instruments to create semi-melody semi-chord transitions to create an in-between effect of contemporaries. Hope you enjoy!

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Saturday, February 8 2025, 3:30 PM to Saturday, February 8 2025, 4:30 PM

About the SFCM Pre-College

SFCM’s Pre-College program is an immersive program that instills the value of music in youth 18 and under, providing an artistic framework and tailored instruction for the next generation of musicians. Our comprehensive curriculum integrates private lessons with musicianship courses, small and large ensemble experiences, elective classes, master classes, jury assessments, and performance opportunities, making music a core part of students’ lives. The Pre-College presents three recitals each Saturday throughout the academic year.