Pre-College Faculty Recital: Cole Anderson
Pre-College Faculty RecitalProgram
Sonata “Herencia” Mónica Cárdenas Ormeño
I. Andante-Allegro moderato (Festejo)
II. Waltz Moderato
III. Allegro (Festejo)
From Première année de pèlerinage—Suisse Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
(1st Year of Pilgrimage—Swiss)
I. “Chapelle de Guillaume Tell” (The Chapel of William Tell)
II. “Au lac de Wallenstadt” (At Lake Wallenstadt)
III. “Pastorale”
IV. “Au bord d’une source” (Beside a Spring)
V. “Orage” (Storm)
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland BWV 659 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
transcribed for piano by Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924)
Sonata in B minor Franz Liszt
About the SFCM Pre-College
SFCM’s Pre-College program is an immersive program that instills the value of music in youth 18 and under, providing an artistic framework and tailored instruction for the next generation of musicians. Our comprehensive curriculum integrates private lessons with musicianship courses, small and large ensemble experiences, elective classes, master classes, jury assessments, and performance opportunities, making music a core part of students’ lives. The Pre-College presents three recitals each Saturday throughout the academic year.