11th Biennial Art Song Competition
Isaiah Diaz: Orphanage
text by Federico Garcia Lorca
translated by Will Kirkland
Mila Zhou, soprano
Diego Carillo, piano
Mukil Narayanan: When Everything is Quiet
text by Mukil Narayanan
Tony DeLousia, baritone
Max Tafoya, piano
Sam Mason: A Poison Tree
text by William Blake
Natalie Sweeney, mezzo-soprano
Sam Mason, piano
Cooper Grosscup: I Confess
text by Sappho
translated by Mary Bernard
Adellyn Geenen, mezzo-soprano
Oliver Moore, piano
Claire Stephenson: No, thank you, John
text by Christina Rossetti
Clara Abrahams, soprano
Youmei Xia, piano
Jodie Lai: Landscape
text by Federico Garcia Lorca
translated by Will Kirkland
Clara Abrahams, soprano
Xingang Lei, piano
Grant Steinweg: We Wear the Mask
text by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Sheng Feng Chan, tenor
Grant Steinweg, piano
Matt Holloway: A Ballad of Old and New
text by Cicely Fox Smith
Jana Justus, mezzo-soprano
Wei Zhao, piano
Max Marcus: Leve Me Here Crying
text by Federico Garcia Lorca
translated by Will Kirkland
Mumtozbegim Ochilova, soprano
Niyang Wang, piano
Alexander Malinas: Starry Rhymes
text by Allen Ginsberg
B. Schaubhut, baritone
Alexander Malinas, piano
Lawrence Pech: Call to Arms/The Battle
text by Herman Melville and John W. De Forest
Sid Chand, tenor
Alexander Malinas, piano
About SFCM’s Composition Department
Prize-winning faculty develop and refine the skills of the next generation of great composers. The composition department both honors tradition and encourages innovation. Our four versatile faculty members closely mentor students while maintaining high-profile composing careers. We strongly emphasize interdepartmental collaboration, matching composers with performers, as well as offer frequent concerts and readings of student works. Every year, SFCM hosts the Highsmith Competition, an internal composition contest that grants the winner a performance of the submitted work by the Conservatory Orchestra. You'll be able to take advantage of the extraordinarily rich musical life of San Francisco, home to some of the most groundbreaking musical activity of the past half-century.
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As of April 1, 2023, face masks will be optional and at personal discretion for all SFCM concerts & events. Vaccinations are not required for visitors and guests to campus buildings and performances. Please visit SFCM's full Event Health & Safety policy to read more about our guidelines.