Stacee Firestone, voice - Senior Recital
Student Recital
No tickets required for this event.
In pursuit of their degrees at SFCM, each student presents a recital that represents their artistry and craft. Student Recitals feature repertoire curated by students with guidance from their faculty instructor.
Alex Katsman, piano
Federico Ricci and Luigi Ricci: Istorie Belle Leggere
from Crispino e La Comare
Vincenzo Bellini: 15 Songs for Voice and Piano
X. Malinconia, Ninfa gentile
VII. Il fervido desiderio
- Brief Pause -
Amy Beach: 3 Browning Songs, Op.44
I. The Year’s at the Spring(1867–1944)
II. Ah, Love, but a Day!
III. I Send My Heart up to Thee!
George Fredric Handel: Sweet Bird
from L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55
- Intermission -
Jules Massenet: Élégie
Gabriel Faure: 3 Songs, Op.8
III. Ici-bas!
G. Faure: La bonne chanson, Op.61
III. La Lune blanche luit dans les bois
Claude Debussy: Beau soir
- Brief Pause -
Richard Strauss: 6 Lieder, Op.67
I. Wie erkenn’ ich mein Treulieb
II. Guten Morgen, ‘s ist Sankt Valentinstag
III. Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss
About SFCM’s Voice Department
Find your voice—and your community. A tight-knit group, voice students work closely with all-star faculty who have performed at the Metropolitan Opera, San Francisco Opera, Houston Grand Opera, Paris Opera, Milan’s La Scala, and many others. As a student at SFCM, you'll have the opportunity to regularly attend dress rehearsals at the San Francisco Opera and take advantage of performance opportunities around the Bay Area.
View SFCM'S Event Health and Safety Policy
As of April 1, 2023, face masks will be optional and at personal discretion for all SFCM concerts & events. Vaccinations are not required for visitors and guests to campus buildings and performances. Please visit SFCM's full Event Health & Safety policy to read more about our guidelines.