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Thursday, November 17 2022, 6:30 PM at


Thursday, November 17 2022, 6:30 PM
SFCM, Master of music, music education


Jenna Flohrcomposer and performer
Jack Herscowitzcomputer performer and improviser
Elijah Lacincello and improviser 
Roziht Edwardscello and live performer
David TippieDJ performer
Tabitha Mason, violin
Chantel Charisviolin
Tristen L'Heureuxviola
Caleb Smitvisuals
Rob Middletonsound installation curator


Jenna Flohr: In the Shell 

Improvisation: Max/MSP and Cello
Jack Herscowitz, computer performer
Elijah Lacin, cello

Rozhit Edwards: Tulle Croissant for Cello, Voice, and Electronics


Jenna Flohr: Quartet for Reflection
     I. Silent Sequences
     II. Purple Mountian at Midnight
Tabitha Mason, violin
Chantel Charis, violin
Tristen L'Heureux, viola
Elijah Lacin, cello

Jenna Flohr: Laundromat Daydream for Eight Loudspeakers

Jack Herscowitz: Call Me When You Get Home
David Tippie: DJ Set
David Tippie, DJ performer

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Thursday, November 17 2022, 6:30 PM to Thursday, November 17 2022, 8:00 PM

About SFCM’s Technology and Applied Composition Department

Get ready for a career on the edge of art and technology. Our Technology and Applied Composition (TAC) is an exclusive course of study that gives students a direct path into the worlds of film scoring, video game sound design, and other rewarding musical avenues. Featuring instruction from some of the most visible composers in the industry today, the TAC music degree readies you for a cutting-edge compositional life, bridging art and technology in the most dynamic ways imaginable.

See more media from the TAC department.

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As of April 1, 2023, face masks will be optional and at personal discretion for all SFCM concerts & events.  Vaccinations are not required for visitors and guests to campus buildings and performances. Please visit SFCM's full Event Health & Safety policy to read more about our guidelines.