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Zoe Yost, viola - Elective Recital
Saturday, February 18 2023, 04:00 PM at

Zoe Yost, viola - Elective Recital

Student Recital
Saturday, February 18 2023, 04:00 PM
generic viola photo


Keisuke Nakagoshi, piano


Franz Schubert: Sonata for Arpeggione and Piano in A Minor, D. 821
     I. Allegro moderato
     II. Adagio
     III. Allegretto
Keisuke Nakagoshi, piano

- Brief Pause - 

Johann Sebastian Bach: Cello Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008
     I. Prélude
     II. Allemande
     III. Courante
     IV. Sarabande
     V. Menuett I + II
     VI. Gigue

Paul Hindemith: Sonata for Viola and Piano, Op. 25, No. 4
     I. Sehr lebhaft. Markiert und kraftvoll
     II. Sehr langsame Viertel
     III. Finale. Lebhafte Viertel
Keisuke Nakagoshi, piano

Artist Profile

Violist Zoe Yost is a gritty, imaginative wayfinder dedicated to spreading and diversifying music through performance and collaboration. She has performed at festivals including Bowdoin Festival and Valdres Sommersymfoni, and received prizes in numerous international competitions, including Grand Prize Virtuoso and London International. A passionate advocate of new music, she has participated in world premieres of works by several living composers, including Jan Krzywicki, Snorri Sigfús Birgisson, and Lukáš Janata. She is currently earning her B.M. from San Francisco Conservatory of Music, under the tutelage of Dimitri Murrath.

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Saturday, February 18 2023, 04:00 PM to Saturday, February 18 2023, 05:30 PM

About SFCM’s Viola Department

Study viola at SFCM and bring this traditionally mid-range instrument to the vanguard of the performing world. Four faculty members and about 20 students make up SFCM’s viola department. Studio sizes are kept small, ensuring performance opportunities and tailored instruction for each student in the department. Ensembles available to viola players include baroque and early-music ensembles, contemporary groups, and the Conservatory Orchestra.

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