Lieder Sing & Play Exercises
The following are a set of lieder by various composers, selected for their suitability as sing & play exercises. The piano parts do not reduplicate the vocal line, nor are they particularly difficult to play. (They are all original settings; none of them have been 'simplified'). Each lied is offered in three versions: high voice, medium voice, and low voice.
Brahms: O Kühler Wald
Fauré: Après un Reve
Fauré: Au Cimetière
Fauré: En Prière
Fauré: Le Secret
Mozart: Die Zufriedenheit
Mozart: Kinderspiel
Mozart: Lied der Trennung
Schubert: An die Musik
Schubert: Heidenröslein
Schubert: Schäfers Klagenleid
Schumann: Im Walde
Schumann: O wie lieblich ist das Mädchen